Download the Atrivity App and Play to Win!
All attendees to the CORE event are invited to play THE CORE CHALLENGE. The App will allow you to answer questions and challenge each other in an interactive experience.
How will it work?
New challenges will be uploaded daily to the Atrivity App from 10 - 17 June - you will have 3 days to respond to pending challenges.
After the event, on 21 - 24 June, the CORE Challenge is launched for players to compete against each other on the App. You will be able to complete any pending challenges by 25 June.
Download the Atrivity app from the App Store or Play Store by clicking on the links to both places below.
Once you install the app, enter with the following login credentials:
Enter your email address
CORE21 (you will need to change your password after your first login/you can change your password if you want in the App)
Important: If you have used Atrivity before, use your previous password.
How do you play the CORE Challenge on 21-24 June?
The game is very simple: you must challenge other players to earn points.
- Launch a challenge by selecting an opponent or have the system find one randomly.
- Once you launch the challenge, it will appear in the opponent's list of challenges (“Your turn” section of the app).
- Afterwards, you can open the challenge and play the game by answering 5 questions. Speed works to your advantage and quick responses can earn you more points. You have 20 seconds to answer each question. You will earn 100 points for each correct answer and up to 20 extra points for speed.
- Your opponent can respond to the challenge by answering the same questions within 24 hours.
- The person who obtains the most points is declared the winner of the challenge.
- You can complete up to 20 challenges a day and challenge the same opponent up to 5 times.
- The system sends notifications to the mobile device or tablet to announce:
- An opponent has challenged you.
- Both players have completed the challenge. It also indicates whether you have won or lost the challenge.
- General game notifications.
Game rules
Types of challenges
- Simple challenge: During the beginning of the game, you can launch simple challenges that award points to both the winner and the loser (even though the winner will be the person who obtained the most points).
- Double challenge (enabled once you reach 10,000 points): the person who wins can earn double points. However, the loser will have double points subtracted from their score. You should therefore launch this challenge carefully. If you don't complete this challenge in time (24 hours), you will lose double the points of the player who completed the challenge.
- Triple challenge (enabled once you reach 20,000 points): the person who wins can earn triple points. However, the loser will have triple points subtracted from their score. You should therefore launch this challenge VERY carefully. If you don't complete this challenge in time (24 hours), you will lose triple the points of the player who completed the challenge.
- 5-10% challenge (enabled when you reach 50,000 points): whoever wins will earn 5% of all points accumulated by the loser, while the loser will lose 10% of their points. If you don't complete this challenge in time (24 hours), you will lose 10% of your points.
- You can complete up to 20 challenges daily including those you send and ones you receive from other players.
- You can challenge the same opponent up to 5 times every day.
- A player with 10 pending challenges cannot receive or launch any new challenges until they complete a pending challenge in the “Your turn” section.
- A player that accumulates points and gains experience after completing 20 challenges cannot launch advanced challenges (doubles, triples and 5-10%) against players with a lower experience level. They can only challenge players with similar scores or people above them.
- Challenges expire after 24 hours. If you do not answer a challenge within this period of time, you will lose the corresponding points. Remember that you can lose double or triple points with advanced challenges compared to a normal challenge or 10% of their points.
- Points earned during the game will accumulate in a ranking. You will see how you rank as well as everyone else. Other stats include the number of completed challenges and the percentage of challenges won during the game.
- You can also see the team ranking.
- You can monitor the activity in real time of challenges performed by you or your favorite players.
- If you want to add a player to your favorites, select the player in the ranking by tapping the star or choose them when launching a challenge. You will be able to filter them in the ranking, find them easier when choosing your opponents and monitor their challenge activity.
End of the Game
- When the game ends, you’ll have 24 hours to respond to pending challenges. Beforehand, take advantage to launch all the challenges you want before time runs out.